Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months maturation. Unique, powerful taste with a dense and dry texture studded with small crystals. To enjoy as it is, on any occasion. Our artisan Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses come from the Gennari family, renowned for producing the Ferrari of Parmesans. They have developed their own production method, which makes all the difference: richer milk, precise manual skimming with a wooden stick, a family recipe for their rennet and an exceptional brine that has remained unchanged since 1953. This method requires a more demanding process in production and brewing, but the Parmigiano Reggiano made this way are true gems. The aging process is also a crucial element for producing Parmesans, as this is what gives the cheese its character. The aging process carries out in a cellar on wooden boards for a minimum of 12 months. The Gennaris use raw milk from their own herd of cows of the “Frisona”, “Rossa” and “Bruna” breeds. Originating from northern Italy, the Red Reggiana cow breed has a red coat and a milk yield that is a lot lower than any other breed of cow. Furthermore, this breed is protected by a consortium, which imposes strict rearing rules. Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses made using milk from this breed are therefore rarer.